The year started out on a sad note for us. We lost our cat Will-o-wisp. She would have been 18 this coming June. She died of feline kidney failure, which, if I'm correct in understanding, is fairly common in older cats. She had a pretty good life aside from having to deal with our younger cats, and being nearly 18 is admittedly a good milestone for a feline. Nonetheless, I wish we could have had more time with her. I miss her rattling the door knobs on my studio doors and sitting behind me in my chair while I painted.
In news of my trade, my first assignment for the year was an Elder Signs Press project. I was very pleased with how the painting turned out. I'll post that as soon as I'm given the go-ahead. Likewise with an interior illustration for Allen K's magazine INHUMAN.
Gene O'Neill's anthology Taste of Tenderloin (published by Apex Digest) has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award (the complete list is available here) . Congratulations Gene! This is the first time that a publication with one of my covers has been on the nomination list.

A limited edition chapbook Dark Faith: Last Rights is available from Apex Book Company. And of course I'm mentioning it here because the cover is by me. This is part of a promotion for the anthology Dark Faith, edited by Maurice Broaddus and Jerry Gordon. Ordering info is available at at this address.

And back to Gene O'Neill. I had the pleasure of illustrating his new chapbook "Jade" which will soon be available from Bad Moon Books. Here is the cover and interior illustrations.