Business first. Here is the cover for the wonderfully suspenseful novel The Master of the Moors by Kealan Patrick Burke and published by Necessary Evil Press. This was one of the projects that I had to keep under wraps until the official notification.
More information is available at the NEP site and Kealan's site.

This is the cover for Norman Prentiss's upcoming poignant and eerie short novel "Invisible Fences", published by Cemetery Dance Publications. You can read more information at Norman's site. Keith Minnion created the interior illustrations. You can see more of his work at

Last but not least, here is the cover for the reprint of "The Necronomicon", edited by Robert M. Price and published by Chaosium Inc. Information is available at

And to finish up this post, here are a selection of photos from my busy summer of conventions.

Camp Necon

And GenCon.